Qiyue Cheery Zhang - Gold Award

School: Westview High School
Category: Teens (11-15)
Hours: 108

Qiyue (Cheery) is a freshman at Westview High School. Having had the opportunity to play Ping Pong, Guzheng, and to take art classes for many years, she noticed how privileged she was in comparison to those who were less fortunate. She saw for herself that many children around her were not able to afford regular meals, much less taking extracurricular classes. Cheery knew she needed to do something to help them. She started volunteering at the Oregon Food Bank, a state-wide organization that provides food to lower-income populations. From the large amounts of bulk vegetables that she and other volunteers repacked, Cheery was troubled to see how many families out there needed help. At the same time, she also saw the impact a single person could have on our community by just committing one morning every week to volunteering. Over time, Cheery found herself enjoying all types of hands-on community service. Because of her interest in the arts, she has taken up multiple opportunities to perform Guzheng at Lansu Garden, senior homes, and other charity events, as well as designing posters for the Pioneer Square Chinese Festival. Now in high school, Cheery strives more than ever to set a good example for the younger students around her and to show everyone how important it is to serve the community.

Oregon Chinese Coalition is proud to join the President of the United States in recognizing the volunteers who consistently take the time to make a difference in the lives of others. Therefore, it is a great honor to present the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) to Qiyue Zhang.
