Ziyu Zhu - Gold Award

School: Lincoln High School
Category: Teens (11-15)
Hours: 110

I am a sophomore at Lincoln High School from Portland Public Schools. I enjoy competing in competitive robotics and participating in computer science-related activities. In the past three years, I’ve dedicated time to competing in FLL and VRC robotics, and after becoming an alumni, I’ve mentored my old FLL team for 2 the last 2 years. Outside of competitive robotics, I partake in leadership roles, such as those in clubs or servers. I currently lead a club in my high school, and I am an administrator in an active robotics server with over 100 members. I also am a member of Forest Height’s HOA Youth Leadership Committee, where we have meetings to plan events. With these events, we hope to bring the community together and have a fun time while having a planned budget. In the spring, I volunteered to help a woman with daily chores as she was in need of assistance. I hope that I can help more people in need as well as lead more events in the future.

Oregon Chinese Coalition is proud to join the President of the United States in recognizing the volunteers who consistently take the time to make a difference in the lives of others. Therefore, it is a great honor to present the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) to Ziyu Zhu.
