感谢statesman journal给予我们捐赠活动的详实报道,几个小时之内便收到了三位读者来信,就包括其中一位七十岁高龄仍然在菜店工作,希望能够从我们这里得到一个好一点的口罩。真的是难为他了,在微信群里一说,就有人主动提出寄口罩给老先生。还有两年前曾经在社区青少年大会上做过演讲嘉宾的Pierce女士专门发来短信,对我们的捐赠表示感谢,为我们的组织感到骄傲。
在KOIN 6 TV播出我们的捐赠活动后,很快就收到一封来信。实际上我们也是再看到这封来信的时候才知道捐赠活动上了电视新闻。
Dear Oregon Chinese Coalition,
I just saw on KOIN 6 news that your organization was instrumental in obtaining thousands of masks from China and donating them to the Portland area.
Thank you ever so much for this PPE supply contribution.
I have two daughters and a niece who are working directly in the medical field here in Oregon and albeit I don’t know if they will benefit directly from your support I am very grateful.
It is so important that we all work together in these troubling and devastating times, so thank you again for your work and commitment to creating a safer and healthier tomorrow.
Warmest regards,