2025 Youth Art Contest
Official Entry Form
Award Winning Artworks: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Award Ceremony at Refuge: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Program Overview:
The Oregon Chinese Coalition (OCC) aims to provide an Art Contest for the community in collaboration with the Friends of Tualatin River NWRC (Friends) and the Tualatin River NWRC (Refuge). The goals of the program are intended to assist in the following ways:
- Bring awareness and engagement between the Chinese community and nature conservation, directly through this collaboration.
- Provide a new opportunity for Chinese youth to creatively express their voice in how they see themselves in nature.
- Excite OCC Chinese youth about nature and encourage them to explore it more.
- Provide opportunities to the OCC community that connect the idea of nature can be a place of healing.
Contest Eligibility:
- This is the third year of the Youth Art Contest with planning occurring directly with the OCC, the Friends of Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge and the Refuge. This year’s competition will be solely for youth within the Oregon Chinese Coalition community.
- This contest will be open to youth from K-12 grade
- Only one entry per participant will be allowed
Entry Deadlines and Key Dates:
- Submission of entries must be post-marked or delivered by 1/21/2026 to Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge. No late entries will be considered. Contestants need to fill out Offcial Entry Form and a copy of it is required to submit with the artwork.
Attention: Friends of TRNWRC
c/o Bonnie Anderson
19255 SW Pacific Hwy
Sherwood, OR 97140 - Judging will occur the week of January 26, 2026
- After judging, submissions will be displayed in the Visitor Center at Tualatin River NWR (pending the Visitor Center being open)
- All participants and their guest are invited to a reception at Tualatin River NWR to announce the winners of the contest. Original submissions will be picked up at that time and a copy of the winning entries will be displayed in the Refuge Visitor Center.
Contest Rules:
- Entries must be contestant’s original creation and may not be traced or copied from photographs or other artist’s works.
- The entry may be multi-color, black and white, or a single color; it may be rendered in ink, paint, pastel, crayon, or pencil. Techniques may include scratchboard, airbrush, linoleum printing, paper collage, dry brush, crosshatch, pointillism, etc.
- No photography or computer-generated art will be accepted. Computers or other mechanical devices may not be used in creating the artwork.
- The physical size of the submitted artwork must be 9”x12” and less than ¼” thick.
- Entries should not be matted.
- Boarder around the image is not required.
- A loose, detachable cover sheet may be laid over the art face to protect it if shipping. Spray chalk and pastel entries with a fixative to eliminate possible scuffing and smudging during transfer of artwork.
- No lettering, words, signatures, or initials may appear on the front of the design. This will result in disqualification.
- Submission must be accompanied by a written message (no more than 90 words) indicating what about nature inspired them to create the art they did. More information about this is below.
Artistic Theme and Message:
The purpose of this activity is to encourage youth to get outdoors with their families. Therefore, the submitted artwork must be focused around an individual’s experience in nature. It is asked of the contestants that part of your process needs to be spending time in nature to become inspired. The hope is that individuals will come to understand that nature is everywhere. It can be found in their backyard, down the block, at their school, or in a designated space like a refuge. To provide some guidance of the topic to consider, the committee has posed a question to reflect on as contestants imagine what they want to create. Think about and reflect on this:
“Nature is all Around Us”
We request that youth entering the contest find ways to explore nature, in ways that they are able to, in order to find what inspires them. This is important as one of the submission rules is to provide a written explanation of their experience and where their inspiration came from while spending time (in whatever way they can) with nature. This narrative needs to be 90 words or less and should help the judges understand why the contestant created the piece they submitted. The narrative needs to accompany the art submission.
- We plan to have all phases of judging open to general public
- The judges will represent members from The Friends of TRNWRC, USFWS/TRNWRC and the OCC
- Artwork will be judged by group level as follows: Grades K-2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12
- Awards will be selected by level. Each level will have a First Place, Second Place and Third Place winner, and an Honorable Mention. One entry will be selected as Judge’s Choice for “Best of Show”
- All entries will receive certificates from The Friends, the Refuge and OCC.
- Each First, Second and Third Place winners will receive a special recognition certificate, ribbon and prize provide by the Friends.
- The Judge’s Choice “Best of Show” winner will receive a $500 scholarship from the OCC
Return of Entries:
The returning of all entries will be coordinated by the OCC after the exhibition at the Art Space in February of 2025. Every effort will be made to safely return artwork to the student. The Friends, USFWS and the OCC will not be liable for any work that is damaged or lost during this contest. All unclaimed entries will be disposed of 30 days after the January art expedition ends.
Rights of Images:
Youth Art Contest Winners (Best in Show, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place by level) will be required to sign the USFWS Agreement for use of likeness in Audio/Visual Product and hereby grant permission to the Friends, USFWS and OCC the right to use their own image from the contest for promotional purposes in newsletters, reports. social media and newsprint.
俄勒冈华人联盟 (OCC) 旨在与图拉丁河国家野生动物保护区 (Refuge) 和保护区之友 (Friends) 合作,为社区青少年提供绘画比赛。该计划的目标旨在通过以下方式提供帮助:
- 通过这种合作,提高华人社区对自然保护的意识和参与度。
- 让华裔青少年有机会创造性地表达他们在自然界中如何看待自己的声音
- 激发华裔青少年对自然的兴趣,并鼓励他们更多地探索自然。
- 为社区提供放飞大自然机会
- 由 OCC、Friends和Refuge共同筹办。比赛将只向华人社区开放。
- 本次比赛面向K-12年级的青少年
- 每位参赛者只限提供一幅作品
- 提交的参赛作品必须在2026年1月21日之前邮寄(以邮戳为准)或交付至图拉丁河国家野生动物保护区。迟到的参赛作品将不被考虑。参赛者需填写参赛表格,并打印出一份随作品一同提交。
Attention: Friends of TRNWRC
c/o Bonnie Anderson
19255 SW Pacific Hwy
Sherwood, OR 97140 - 评审将在2026年1月26日那一周进行
- 2025年2月xx日,所有获奖作者和他们的客人们欢迎参加在保护区举办的颁奖仪式。原作可以在当场取回,复印件会在保护区访客中心展览至下一年竞赛
- 参赛作品必须是参赛者的原创作品,不得从照片或其他艺术家的作品中追溯或复制。
- 参赛作品可以是多色、黑白或单色;它可以用墨水、油漆、粉彩、蜡笔或铅笔呈现。技术可能包括刮板、喷枪、油毡印刷、纸拼贴画、干刷、交叉影线、点彩画等。
- 不接受摄影或计算机生成的艺术作品。不得使用计算机或其他机械设备来创作艺术品。
- 提交作品的尺寸必须为 9”x12” 且厚度小于 1/4”
- 提交作品需无画框和衬边
- 作品周边不要求有边框
- 可以用一张非固定的封面放在作品表面上以在运输时保护它。也可以用固定剂喷洒粉笔和粉彩材料,以消除作品运输过程中可能出现的划痕和污迹。
- 作品正面不得出现字母、文字、签名或首字母缩写。这将导致取消资格。
- 提交必须附有书面信息(不超过90字),说明是什么启发了他们的绘画作品。有关此的更多信息如下。
我们要求参加比赛的青少年找到探索自然的方式,以他们能够做到的方式,找到激发他们灵感的东西。这很重要,因为参赛规则之一是以书面形式解释他们的经历以及他们在与大自然共度时光(以任何方式)时的灵感来源。这篇文章需要 90个字或更少,帮助评委理解参赛者为什么创作他们提交的作品。
- 评审的所有阶段都将向公众开放
- 评委将来自The Friends、USFWS/TRNWRC和OCC
- 作品将按以下小组级别进行评判:K-2年级,3-5年级,6-8年级,9-12年级
- 奖项将按级别评选。每个级别将有第一名、第二名和第三名获胜者,各一个。根据参赛作品的数量,最多可以有4个荣誉提及。一个作品将被选为“最佳作品”。
- 所有参赛作品将收到来自The Friends、Refuge和OCC共同签发的证书
- 每一位一、二、三等奖获得者都将获得由The Friends提供的荣誉证书、绶带和奖品。
- “最佳作品”获胜者将获得OCC颁发的500美元奖金
所有参赛作品会在颁奖典礼后归还给作者。将尽一切努力将作品安全归还给作者。The Friends, USFWS和OCC对本次比赛中损坏或丢失的任何作品概不负责。所有无人认领的参赛作品将在30天后由OCC自行处理。
获胜者(最佳作品,第1-3名)将需要签署USFWS协议以在视听产品中使用图像,并在此授予The Friends、USFWS和OCC使用出于宣传和慈善目的而从本次活动中获得图像。