Thanksgiving Flash Mob in Chinatown

Let the singing penetrate the broken walls of Chinatown, so as to comfort the lonely souls of Chinese predecessors, and to bring hope to the people who are lying on the street now. We hurried to and fro, leaving those red lanterns that were brought to life by singing and wagging there. Although it was an uncertain feeling, everyone knew that we had not left, and we had never left.

昨晚突发奇想,临时约了张光超夫妇和Youth Lens的Michelle和Jenny,今天去到中国城,在Wong Laundry前人行道上高歌了两首曲子:Amazing Grace和You Raise Me Up,让歌声穿透老城断壁残墙,慰藉百年前多孑然一身华人前辈的孤魂,也为现在横卧在大街上的人们带来一些希望。我们匆匆来匆匆去,留下了那些因为歌声而有了生命的大红灯笼飘忽在那里,虽然是一种不定的感觉,但谁都知道我们没有离开,从来就没有离开过。
