



There are over 60,000 ethnic Chinese people living in Oregon. For the older generation, they were accustomed to having their voices suppressed. For the newer generation, they grew up in a society where the voices of average people often didn’t matter. Along with many other reasons, Asian, including Chinese American, might be the ethnic group least involved in social activity and politics. As a result, they have become invisible in this nation. Asians and Chinese Americans are significantly underrepresented at all levels of government.

Now, however, things are changing in almost every aspect of our lives! We are very pleased to see the formation of the Chinese Americans United PAC. We have every reason to believe that this very first PAC in the local Chinese American community, also a non-profit and nonpartisan organization that expects and respects different political views, will play an important role in leading the community to engage in local politics and community development.

Disclaimer: CAUPAC is not affiliated with or related to the Oregon Chinese Coalition.
