
龙也很有活力。在昨天前往McMinnville的长途旅行之后,这条龙于周日出现在Milwaukie Community Center。对于所有的孩子,与龙一起游行似乎只会是存在画册中。今天我们给所有在场的家庭一个惊喜,让孩子们梦想成真。


Dragon was also very energetic. After the long trip to McMinnville yesterday, the dragon showed up in Milwaukie Community Center on Sunday. In many kids’ dream, they could parade together with the dragon, which was typically in the picture books. The dream came true as a surprise to all the families there today.

The Guzheng students from Oregon Hope Chinese School, Huanyue Group and Huamulan Drum Team also performed for the audience.
