
The chatting history for this WeChat group “PDX华人大公益pdxchinese.org” is shown below.

————— 2019-03-17 —————

今天在兰苏园汉语角做义工的是@li wang 母女俩,最难能可贵的是女儿回到家后写了一个活动感想,非常的值得称赞,为我们的二代有如此的主动性感到十分的高兴。

On March 17th of 2019, my mom and I went to go volunteer at the Lan Su Chinese Garden. One of the first things I noticed was that even the Americans seemed extremely interested in Chinese Culture and art. The first group that walked in was a group of three. It was a mother and her two daughters. The mother had lived in Beijing, and the kids were interested in learning about numbers in Chinese and about their own names in Chinese. It was surprising to see them smiling and how they were so excited about learning. I helped to introduce them to the basics about writing the numbers in Chinese and Chinese calligraphy. Along with this, a family of three from Taiwan came to look at the Chinese garden. The girl, who was in her third and final year of high school, was very kind to me and drew me a few small pictures. I was able to show several people my Chinese calligraphy and I heard many positive comments about my skill.

However, I still feel like I could improve on many things. I felt that I did not speak enough and I didn’t feel independent. Often times, I would ask my mom for help or I would shy away from people. I was very kind and open towards younger children, but I was much more introverted and quiet near adults. Overall, I think my volunteering was very successful.
