地点:Kirkland Union Manor 老人公寓 (3530 SE 84th Ave, Portland, OR 97266)
时间:2023年1月14日-15日 (周末)
周六 10点-2点:帮老人 清洗厨房/大厅春节装饰,包括写对联,剪窗花。
周六 12点-2点,两代人乒乓球友谊赛
周六 2点半-4点:大厅演出/给老人发放礼品
周六 4点-5点半:苏州民族管弦乐团《吴越春秋》音乐会
周日 10点-12点:帮老人清洗厨房
周日 2点-5点:帮老人清洗厨房
清洗:鼓励能清洗三家厨房(厨房橱柜面积不大)。自带容器 ,手套,海绵等用品,现场我们会提供OxiClean,Baking Soda,柠檬水,洗碗液。吸油烟机过滤网有需要更新的话,记下房间号,会统一报给办公室。大楼有300个住户,绝大多数是华人,我们帮助的老人会不分种族。如果每一组能帮助清洗三家厨房,那就需要100组义工。因为厨房很小,动作熟练的话,三四十分钟能完成一家。
2021 Lifting Hope – Celebrating Chinese New Year
2018 Portland Chinatown Chinese New Year Celebration
俄勒冈华人联盟参加了这次会议,在场的有中华会馆,秉公堂,协胜堂,合胜堂,李氏公所,海宴公所,余風采堂,同源会,華賢勵志基金会,中国城历史博物馆基金会,波特兰新闻,波特兰联谊会,温哥华联谊会等新老侨社团,澜苏园也有出席,会议由秉公堂主席Kitson Yu主持。会议决定,由中华会馆提议,全华人社区社团共同筹办今年的中国城庆祝新春活动。地点选在中华会馆门前的戴维斯节日广场(NW Davies Festival Street),时间为2月18日下午。我们竭诚邀请全华人社区积极参与奉献,让人们看到华人以崭新的精神风貌活跃在中国城,并以此展示我们华人社区的存在和正在显现出来的生机。
The biggest development in the Chinese community in the last two years is the increasing interactions among the groups, each of which typically represent a faction of the community. They started to reach a consensus on the challenges and issues faced by the community as a whole. In particular, they all agree that they should work together on helping revitalize Portland’s Old Town Chinatown and preserve its rich culture and heritage. As a symbolic step for the joint effort from the Chinese community, they have decided to hold a Chinatown Chinese New Year Celebration, anticipating that it will take on life and become an annual event in Chinatown.
The Celebration will be held on February 18, 2018, from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm, at the NW Davis Festival Street, between NW 3rd and 4th Avenues. A stage will be erected on the street to provide cultural performances from various groups in the community. The audience will be entertained with folk dance, Wushu, lion dance and music with Chinese instruments. Families are welcome to join hands-on traditional activities to be held on the 3rd floor of the CCBA building, located to the north side of the stage including; calligraphy, paper cutting, sculpting hand-made figurines, Mahjong, and of course, receiving red packets. For the first time ever, all the traditional Chinese associations in Chinatown will open to the public for guided tours.
活动内容包括几大部分 (Scheduled Activities):
文艺表演 (Stage Cultural Performance) 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Outdoor on NW Davis Festival Street
传统文化活动体验 (Hands-on Cultural/Traditional Activities) 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Indoor on 3rd floor in CCBA, located 315 NW Davis St.
传统侨社建筑上的快闪活动 (Flash Mob on Bing Kong Balcony) 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Bing Kong Balcony
舞龙舞狮表演 (Lion Dance and Dragon Parade) 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
NW Davis Festival Street and Circling Chinatown
参观中国城华人社团大堂 (Guided Tour to all Chinese Associations in Chinatown) 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
中華會館 CCBA, including its Museum, 315 NW Davis St.
秉公堂 Bing Kong Tong, 24 NW 4th Ave.
協勝堂 Hip Sing Assn., 211 NW 3rd Ave.
合勝堂 Hop Sing Assn., 317 NW 4th Ave.
至考篤親公所 Gee How Oak Tin Assn., 26 NW 4th Ave.
朔源堂 Soo Yuen Assn. 317 NW 4th Ave.
Please follow the route and no photograph inside buildings.
让我们大家共同期待着!Come to Chinatown and join us to celebrate the Year of the Dog!
To read about performing groups and individuals, please visit http://pdxchinese.org/chinese-new-year-2018/