
期盼已久的社区精神心理健康之旅团建活动上个周末拉开序幕,第一站我们选在了中部的Bend。活动的定位有三个:1. 两天时间大家撇下日常生活,在一个“封闭”的空间大家能够把全身心投入进来。2. 这次是一个集思广益和测试 Peer Support Group 想法的极好机会,通过这次活动,我们知道了下一步该如何走。3. 与当地华人增加接触和交流,都市外华人少,可以寻求到的资源自然会有限。我们彼此相识相知,距离不会再是一个挑战。以下是参加此次活动的朋友们的感受:

感恩有机会跟各位包括Bend的朋友们认识了解,并深度交流探讨下一步开展MH community support的一些想法。也很喜欢冥想的讲座。

这是一个很有意义的活动,不但让我们自己学习,分享,而且了解了社区的情况,普遍的问题和资源。我们需要self care, care our family and care our community。a lot of good discussions which lead to thoughts  and ideas I haven’t had and wouldn’t have myself.   

完美的周末,精心安排的活动和后勤保障提供了对身、心、灵的全面滋养。和每个人的谈话互动都进一步拓宽了我的眼界,增加了我对生活的感恩和对人性的信心。 我最喜欢的部分除了学到的各种新技能(做饭、开船、瑜伽动作、用冥想帮助睡眠、健手操),还有和当地几位华人的碰面。将心比心,如果我住在当地,被外来的一群同胞不含任何私心地招待和关怀,会有多么感动。



Bend 朋友的反馈:谢谢邀请我们参加这个活动,非常荣幸能有这么机会和各位互动交流,辛苦大家准备吃的和喝的,还无私的分享信息和资源。希望以后可以持续收到OCC的活动通知。如果OCC有专门的人负责外联,沟通会更加及时顺畅。

Last weekend, we successfully organized our highly anticipated mental health retreat. Our journey commenced in Bend, where we embarked on a transformative experience. This endeavor served three fundamental purposes:

– Closed Group Gathering: We created a safe and supportive space for individuals with lived or living mental health experiences to come together. By fostering a sense of community, we aimed to provide solace and understanding to one another.

– Brainstorming and Testing Peer Support Groups: During our retreat, we dedicated time to brainstorming and testing the concept of Peer Support groups. By exchanging ideas and exploring innovative approaches, we sought to enhance the effectiveness and impact of these groups in supporting mental well-being.

– Building a Broader Alliance: Another crucial objective was to establish connections with local Chinese Americans, forging a broader alliance. By engaging with this community, we aimed to foster understanding, collaboration, and inclusivity in addressing mental health challenges.

Through the support of OHA’s HB4071 Grant, we were able to realize the potential of our mental health retreat. This experience laid the foundation for continued growth and empowered individuals to embrace their mental health journeys with strength and resilience.
