
我们在东部俄勒冈州Joseph市的心理健康之旅中度过了一段不可思议的旅程,这一切都得益于OHA慷慨的资金支持。在过去的四天里,从上周日开始,共有14名社区成员聚集在一起,经历了这次变革性的冒险之旅。我们深入探索了未被开发的东部风景,那里的历史是由标志性人物约瑟夫酋长来塑造的。我们的时间充满了共同烹饪、欢乐的歌唱、集体冥想,以及彼此敞开心扉。除了我们在 Bend 和 Rockaway Beach 的活动之外,我们很高兴宣布,我们成功完成了支持俄勒冈州开发精神心理健康同伴支持模型的努力。

What an incredible journey we had on our mental health trip to Joseph in eastern Oregon, made possible by the generous financial support from OHA. Over the course of four days, starting from last Sunday, 14 community members came together to experience this transformative adventure. We delved into the untamed eastern landscapes, where the nation’s history was shaped by the iconic figure, Chief Joseph. Our time was filled with shared cooking, joyful singing, collective meditation, and the opening of our hearts to one another. In addition to our retreats in Bend and Walkaway Beach, we are pleased to announce the successful completion of our efforts in supporting to develop a peer respite support model for the state of Oregon.
