Youth Mentoring Pilot Project

If you want to join our mentorship program, either as a mentor or mentee, please contact us. All prospective mentees are required to fill out the application and then contact us. If prospective mentee is under age 18, parent or guardian needs to fill out the application.

Community Mentors

We encourage community members to become a mentor for our kids. Mentoring is always a huge gap in our community. We all know it but always lack of actions. Don’t need to be perfect, you can gain experience along the way. Nothing in this world can be more rewarded than growing up with the kids around you.

All mentors are encouraged to have one initial face to face meeting with their mentees and then develop future meeting plans including communications via social media or emails if needed. Considering the capacity of mentors, each mentor may only take a few mentees at a time.

Mentors have agreed to follow all mentoring program guidelines and code of conduct.

Marcus Chan

Marcus is the President of Venli Consulting Group, a sales training firm that has trained thousands internationally. Prior to this, Marcus was a top Director at Cintas Corporation, a $6.8B Fortune 500 company leading a team of 110+ employees. Marcus is passionate about helping others achieve their dreams through impactful mentorship.

Hui Du

Hui holds degrees in Statistics and CS from Tsinghua and U-Chicago, having been a data scientist since 1998. She is passionate about education and giving back to her community, including working as volunteer Chinese teacher, serving in PTO board, helping to run NPOs and hosting a large social media group to support local community.

Paul Ip

Coming to the U.S. at age 22 wasn’t easy for many reasons. I graduated in 1982 with a business degree at PSU. I leveraged my higher education credentials to obtain an entry-level position at HSBC. Since then, I worked my way up to the Vice President position, managing over a $300 million portfolio in commercial lending until my retirement in 2016.

Frances Ippolito

Frances is an administrative patent judge at the US Patent and Trademark Office. Before her appointment, Frances practiced patent law in private practice. She has a law degree from UC Davis, a Teaching Certificate (Harvard GSE), and a B.A. in chemistry (Harvard University). She enjoys volunteering and chasing her two young children.

Kristy Mao

Kristy is Senior Finance Director at Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Company, who is currently responsible to manage $1B revenue portfolio. Kristy graduated from USC majored in business, and received her MBA from Yale University. Kristy has been actively mentoring early and mid career professionals in the past three years at work.

Zhunquin Wang

Zhunqing graduated from Tsinghua University and has been a software developer for Oracle since 1997. He has been coaching world-class robotics teams for over a dozen years. He was also active in a local Boy Scout troop. His passion is to foster the holistic growth of future technology leaders.

Hongcheng Zhao

Hongcheng has a graduate degree in Economics and worked in healthcare industry for more than 20 years. He had three years of teaching and mentoring experience in college. He has devoted his time to Chinese community in the last 3 years, including helping develop youth programs.

Youth Served

Youth, from Chinese community, age 11 or above.

Academically at-risk
College/Post-secondary student
Gifted/talented/Academic achiever
School drop-out
Special education
First-generation college

Foster, residential or kinship care
Low income
Single-parent household
Recent immigrant/Refugee
Incarcerated parent
Parent involved in military

Adjudicated/Court involved
Gang involved or at risk
LGBTQ youth
Mental health issues
Youth with disabilities
Opportunity youth


National Mentoring Month

The website is full of resources. Both mentors and mentees are encouraged to explore the site to get the most out of this experience.


‘Mentoring provides youth with mentors who can develop an emotional bond with the mentee, have greater experience than the mentee, and can provide support, guidance, and opportunities to help youth succeed in life and meet their goals (DuBois and Karcher, 2005).’

A master class is a class given to students of a particular discipline by an expert of that discipline—usually music, but also painting, drama, any of the arts, or on any other occasion where skills are being developed.

MENTOR fuels the quantity and quality of mentoring relationships for the world’s young people while closing the mentoring gap.