
大选还在计票,相信参加过电话催票的三十几位同学会对大选新闻格外留意,因为他们直接参与了。参与并不是一定是要参加竞选,美国的选举是一个浩大的工程,其中义工们自始至终起着关键性作用。在大家线上线下为政治辩论不休的同时,同源会(CACA)的Gloria Lee为鼓励大家登记选民和参加投票可谓是付出了极大的心血。我们非常荣幸有这个机会,组织社区青少年参加她组织的电话催票活动。

这几天在Youth Ambassador群和义工群家长们分享家中孩子参加活动的经历,一天几十个电话下来,有兴奋,有苦恼,但是同学们心态都是非常的好,因为他们知道哪怕每天只动员一两个华人出来投票,但也会积少成多。这是一位妈妈写的女儿催票经历,

The rate of calls being answered is about 15%, half of these who answered hung up, and the other half already voted, except there was another one who originally was not going to vote, but told us she would drop off ballots the next day. So Jenell’s work made two families decide to vote. Jenell was really proud, and she felt the work she did is very meaningful.

