Ethan Li - Gold Award
School: Union High School
Category: Teens (11-15)
Hours: 101.5
Ethan is a junior at Union High School, and is an active member of the Red Cross Club. Having firsthand experience with neurodivergence, Ethan knows what these students face and is taking action to help. Ethan is involved in Camp Meadowood Springs, which is one of the Oregon Elks’ major charity projects to help kids with special needs. Ethan has been involved in several different Camp Meadowood related projects since 2019. He went to Eastern Oregon during long Memorial Weekend with hundreds of Elks to do camp cleanup, preparing for the camp’s summer opening. Ethan was also involved in camp fundraising. Through bottle and can drives, he raised a record-breaking amount of over $1000 in less than 5 months. Furthermore, through OCC, he has helped community pandemic relief efforts and participated in environmental restoration projects.
Oregon Chinese Coalition is proud to join the President of the United States in recognizing the volunteers who consistently take the time to make a difference in the lives of others. Therefore, it is a great honor to present the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) to Ethan Li.