
今天上午来自社区的5位同学和6个大人来到野生保护区参加service day,尽管只有一个小时,大家干得热火朝天,尤其是孩子们,他们需要一起把爬藤的植物拉出来,不时看到摔个屁股墩,让大家开怀大笑。来自Westview高中的Ray,第一个响应我们的建议,在学校建立和保护区直接挂钩的学生社团。我们非常的期待未来的保护区会成为我们孩子们社会实践的一个基地。

It’s always wonderful to see the kids volunteering at the refuge. They worked together to remove invasive weeds and had a great time. Today is one of the boys’ birthdays. Additionally, a high school student is in the process of setting up a club to collaborate with the refuge at his school.
