Religious Groups/Churches
Disclaimer This compilation of public data is provided for the convenience of community members. It is important to note that the inclusion of organizations on this page does not imply any affiliation with OCC.
Chinese Fellowship at Village Baptist Church 华人团契
330 SW Murray Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97005
Portland Taiwan Lutheran Church 波特蘭臺灣信義教會
12405 SW Butner Rd, Beaverton, OR 97005
New Creation Chinese Church 波特兰新造的人华人教会
5755 SW Erickson Ave, Beaverton, OR 97005
Chinese Christian Church of Corvallis 谷心鎮華人基督教會
125 NW 10th St. Corvallis, OR 97330
Eugene Chinese Christian Church 雨津基督教华人教会
1275 Mill St, Springfield, OR 97477
Chinese Evangelical Church 波特蘭華人福音教會
5529 NW Five Oaks Dr. Hillsboro, OR 97124
Chinese Faith Baptist Church 中诚浸信会
1595 Greentree, Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Portland Chinese C&MA Church 砵崙華人宣道會
7435 SE Foster Road, Portland, OR 97206
Chinese Baptist Church
1938 SE Ladd Ave., Portland, OR 97214
Hui Lin Temple 慧霖寺
4224 SE 62nd Ave, Portland, OR 97206
Chinese Evangelical Church of Vancouver 温哥华華人福音教會
900 SE Ellsworth Rd, Vancouver, WA 98664