
多么精彩的社区周末!义工们热情高涨!他们参加了波特兰玫瑰节龙舟赛和玫瑰游行,在兰苏园与游客互动,并在 Transition Projects 运营的市中心庇护所提供晚餐。此外,由两名高中生开办的公益性质吉他班在希望中文特许学校举办了首次演奏会。感谢所有的志愿者 —— 是你们让这个社区变得更加美好,让这座城市更加美丽!

What a weekend! Our community was on fire! They participated in the Portland Rose Festival Dragon Boat Race, and the Rose Parade, engaged in conversations with tourists at the Lan Su Chinese Garden, and served meal at the downtown shelter run by Transition Projects, Inc.. Additionally, our guitar class, run by two high school students, had its first recital at Hope Chinese Charter School. Thank you to all the volunteers – you helped make this community a better place to live and this city more beautiful!
