
今天,我们正式启动了每月一次的带老人逛兰苏园活动项目。有这个想法还是来自过去几个月帮助SE老人们的时候感受到他们需要我们更多的关爱。把这个想法和几个社区伙伴组织讲了,热情甚至比我们自己还要高。说做就做,今天第一次安排了10位老人,由Ride Connection免费提供大巴,兰苏园免除门票,OCC负责义工和在茶楼的茶点花销。虽然赶上了一个雨天,但老人们在园中赏花的时候不仅没有下雨,空气中的湿气把刚刚绽放的花的芬香留在了树的周围,真的是好浓啊。等我们在茶楼落座后,小雨才下了起来,看着窗外水面上的波纹,好个浪漫,老人们那时的心境会是什么,不得而知,但不难想象,是故乡的小河还是乡间的小路。。。我们会持续做下去,有条件的话,可以增加服务到其他公寓的老人们。


Officially we have kicked off the monthly Ride with Senior today. It is a joint effort with Ride Connection, Lan Su Chinese Garden and Kirkland Union Manors, which share the same passion to our seniors. It was such a fun day today. Ten seniors were there touring the garden and enjoyed the tea and desserts in the Tea House. The moisture in the air kept the flower fragrance inside the garden. The rain came after we sit in the tea house and made the garden even more romantic.

The photos (except the very last two) taken by Rachel LeCrone Photography captured many precious moments.
