您如果遇到紧急情况,不要犹豫,马上拨打 911
In an emergency, immediately call 911.
您如果遭遇自杀与危机困扰,请拨打热线电话 988 Call Suicide and Crisis Line 988 for help

遇到如下情况,欢迎拨打OCC热线电话(503-334-1010 普通话/英文 或 503-334-0438 广东话),我们有会讲普通话,粤语和英语的志愿者为您提供帮助.

In situations like in the following, please call the OCC support line(503-334-1010 Mandarin/English or 503-334-0438 Cantonese), which is backed by our volunteers who can speak Mandarin, Cantonese and English.

When you become a crime victim on the street, need someone to call for help or need interpretation with first responders.

Get lost on the streets and cannot find the way back home.

Need interpretation service in urgent situations like seeing a doctor or in the pharmacy.

Receive an eviction notice from landlord but no place to go.

If you feel depressed or there is a strong need to talk to someone.

The support line is for urgent situation only. In most cases, the support will be provided remotely.

Life is beautiful, and the road is long. Along the way, getting lost or stumbling is inevitable. But with community by your side, we will move forward together.



To start a new chapter for serving the community, we will send a whistle and keychain with engraved support line and unique ID number to community members. Imagine an elderly gets lost in downtown. With the help of the support and ID number, we can contact the family in no time and provide the basic information to the first responders. This becomes possible even the elderly does not speak English or only speak Taishanese. Currently it is open to the elderly living in downtown senior apartments. Family members are welcome to fill in the required information form.