
天气刚刚转暖,周五和周六便驱车前往Bend,先是与当地华人义工们见面,参加见面的还有 Deschutes County Health Services 的负责人和员工,这是我们落实对 OHA 的承诺,建立一个可以应对任何紧急情况的一个有韧性的社区所采取的一步。后车厢装满了中文教材,戒烟糖,戒毒解药,和应急收音机。在短短的4个小时见面会上,大家已经对下一步能够在当地筹办的公益活动有了初步规划。




The trip to Bend over the last two days was truly rewarding. OCC was on a mission to connect Chinese Americans across the state of Oregon by building a resilient community. Hongcheng Zhao, the President of OCC, had a long and constructive meeting with local volunteers and the staff from Deschutes County Health Services late Friday afternoon. The following day, he visited a patient injured in a fatal car accident during the stormy weather. On behalf of the community and the patient, Mr. Zhao expressed deep appreciation for the efforts and care provided by the doctors, nurses, and social workers at St. Charles Health System. That afternoon, he proceeded to visit a community member at Deer Ridge Correctional Institution. OCC has been supporting him and his family since the first day of his mental health breakdown.
