
今天,我们看望了 Oldtown 的 Stumptown Otaku,源于一起针对业主及其母亲的种族歧视犯罪行为,涉及言语辱骂和肢体侵犯。在交谈中,我们提供了与受害者相关的资源和信息。请放心,我们将持续关注这个案件,以确保正义得到声张,也是我们处理种族歧视和仇恨犯罪问题的承诺。

Today, we visited Stumptown Otaku in Oldtown, responding to a report of a racially motivated crime against the owner and his mother, which involved both verbal abuse and physical aggression. During our visit, we provided information about the resources and support available to victims of such crimes. Rest assured, we are closely monitoring this case to ensure that justice is not only pursued but also served in a manner that reflects our commitment to addressing racial discrimination and hate crimes.
