We come together, serving our community where we raise our families, helping those who are in need, growing our passion for a better world with ‘love’ in heart, and connecting with others who share the same value.

President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)

OCC has been approved as an official Certifying Organization for The President’s Volunteer Service Award. We encourage community members, especially youth, to get involved in all the volunteer activities by taking advantage of this platform.

To be qualified as a volunteer for PVSA awards under OCC, you will have to (1) meet the requirements by PVSA AND (2) fill out and sign OCC’s PVSA Volunteer Supplemental Form.

You will be responsible for recording hours after each volunteer activity. Also please keep the volunteer hour logs for future verification. OCC provides you an hour log sheet for your convenience.

What counts as volunteer hours? We recommend a few online articles (No.1, No.2, No.3) for your reference. Even though we request supervisor’s signature and possible hour log verification, it is still up to the volunteers themselves to report hours with the highest level of integrity.

Hours are measured over a 12-month period (Oct 27 through Oct 26) and awards are designated based on cumulative hours. The awards are offered in multiple levels and are designed to recognize each milestone of your service achievement. Levels include bronze, silver, gold and the highest honor, the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award for those who contribute more than 4,000 hours of service in their lifetime.

Once the documentation is received via email (volunteer@pdxchinese.org) by announced deadline, OCC will verify all records and confirm that the candidate has completed the number of service hours in good standing as required to earn a President’s Volunteer Service Award.

Group Volunteering Opportunities

We will try to list all activities on our shared community calendar

Monthly Volunteering at Oregon Food Bank

Click to View Available Spots on SignUp.com

Address: 1870 NW 173rd Ave, Beaverton, OR 97006

To sign up: http://signup.com/go/RtEtDVp

Please join 《PDX 志愿服务公益群》 and sign up from there.

按FB 规定18岁以上才算成人,每一个人成人或者小孩都要填上名+姓 (大人请在成人区注册,小孩亦然;大人请记得填上手机方便联络; 大人请在给小朋友报名时在备注处填上同去的大人名)


Nancy会替大家去FB 网站上注册,更新和当天的sign in,也会提前一天提醒大家细节和分享最后名单。 


Weekly Volunteering at Lan Su Chinese Garden

Click to View Available Spots on SignUp.com

June – September 2-4pm Every Sunday

Address: 239 NW Everett St, Portland, OR 97209



花园会有当值的VEC (visitor experience coordinator),因为是周二下午,很多时候可能会是Venus本人当值,我们会在活动前半小时把桌椅架设好,准备好热茶,在现场等您们。当次的志愿者只要直接从花园前门进来,无须买票,直接告知门口的greeter您是OCC conversation table的volunteer就可以直接进来。Greeter会告知您您们在哪一个房间。如果当下有任何问题请,直接致电当值的VEC手机(503)348-9157。



Monthly Volunteering at Clay Street Table’s Asian Brunch

Click to View Available Spots on SignUp.com

地点: 1432 SW 13th Ave, Portland, 97201

确切时间和详情会公布在《PDX Clay Street Table 义工群》微信群

Monthly Street Sweeping in Chinatown

确切时间和详情会公布在《PDX 义工群》微信群

More Resources

Ten-Plus Kid-Friendly Volunteer Opportunities in Portland

More Volunteering Opportunities for Teens and Help for Getting Ready

HandsOn Greater Portland

The Complete List of Community Service Scholarships