午夜时分在微信群发出了这个信息:“算错了日期,和接收我们社区捐赠衣物的Transition Projects约好周日上午10-1点帮助整理我们捐赠物品,需要5-10位义工。这绝对是 last minute call 了,我做个接龙,希望能临时招到足够的义工。地址还是 430 NW Broadway, Portland, 97209。” 第二天上午10点,来参加整理捐赠物品的义工不是一两个人,而且个个都是高手,两个多小时就出色完成了任务。
After a late-night call for volunteers, a group of community members came together the next morning at the Transition Projects’ warehouse to sort through donation items.
That same afternoon, a few newly immigrated families who had attended the Thanksgiving potluck rolled up their sleeves to assemble two light poles which are going to be used for their upcoming performance at an NBA game later this month.