
四年前,疫情期间,华人曾被恶意污蔑为 COVID-19 病毒传播的罪魁祸首。在最艰难的时刻,保护区选择与我们站在一起,让我们通过绘画表达对大自然的热爱和对动物保护的支持。四年后,保护区却面临前所未有的危机和挑战,在资金和编制愈发不确定的情况下,我们今天来到这里,与他们并肩而立,为这片受保护的土地发出最有力的呼声 — 并非所有东西都可以用金钱衡量,人不能过于自私,大自然不仅属于我们,更属于未来几代乃至几十代人。


今年的绘画竞赛主题已经发布 — “大自然无处不在”(Nature is All Around Us)。期待看到更多同学们踊跃参与,让艺术成为我们关爱自然、守护环境的一个有力表达方式!



Four years ago, our youth stood there, receiving support from the friends of the Refuge after being unfairly and unjustifiably blamed for the cause of COVID-19. Today, we stand together with our friends at the Refuge, united in our unshakable commitment to preserving this land—not just for ourselves, but for generations to come.

Testament from The Friends of TRNWR

Our four year relationship with the Oregon Chinese Coalition community is a powerful example of likeminded organization coming together to connect with the healing power of nature. The OCC community shows up for the Friends in so many ways to help us fulfill our mission to support the refuge complex. I invite you all to view the amazing art currently on display in our Visitor Center. Our National Wildlife Refuge is a virtual part of our community.

When two extraordinary organizations work together extraordinary things happen!
