
今天,带老人参观兰苏园的季节圆满结束。来自 Marshall Union Manors 老人公寓的十二位老人,以及一名护工和一名志愿者,在兰苏园度过了美好的时光,特别是享受了温暖而宜人的阳光。在这次活动中,我们还有机会告别埃文(Evonne),她是The Tao of Tea的老板,在过去的23年里一直在园中为游客提供服务。

The season of taking seniors to the garden activity has concluded today. Twelve seniors from Marshall Union Manors, along with one caregiver and one volunteer, had a wonderful time in Lan Su Chinese Garden, particularly enjoying the warm and cozy sunshine. During this outing, we also had the opportunity to bid farewell to Evonne, the owner of The Tao of Tea, serving the tourists in the garden for the last 23 years.
