

Youth education and training has always been the focus of our work. Through various activities, OCC actively provides various opportunities and platforms for young people, so that they can be proud of being Chinese Americans and proud of being part of the Chinese American community.


Many of our Chinese teens have become proficient in Western string instruments and have participated in school bands, some of whom are members of PYP and MYS. More than a month ago, the community decided to form a youth string orchestra to promote Chinese music with a long and rich history.

乐队由曾任南加州的知名青少年弦乐团指挥柳老师(Robert Lau)负责训练和指挥。柳老师是最早在南加州用西洋弦乐演奏中国乐曲的音乐倡导者,曾负责组建、训练、指揮南加州青少年弦乐团,中西合璧演奏无数中国乐曲达二十四年之久,包括梁祝小提琴协奏曲、黄河钢琴协奏曲等名曲,举行演奏会在百场以上,并多次成功带领该团到中国大陆和台湾访问演出,均获好评。

The orchestra is trained and conducted by Robert Lau, the former conductor of the well-known youth string orchestra in Southern California. Mr. Liu was the first music advocate who played Chinese music with Western string instruments in Southern California. He was responsible for the formation, training, and conduct of the Southern California Youth String Orchestra. He has played countless Chinese music for twenty-four years, including Liang Zhu’s Violin Concerto., the Yellow River Piano Concerto and other famous pieces, has held more than 100 concerts, and has successfully visited and performed in mainland China and Taiwan for many times, all of which have been well received.

弦乐队每周日下午2-4:30pm排练一次,地点是Hope Chinese Charter School (3500 SW 104th Ave, Beaverton, OR 97005)。

每次练习我们需要两位成年人义工在现场协助老师。 请大家点此链接踊跃报名当义工,如果是到场孩子们的家长就更合适了。

每个月会组织一次audition,audition requirements:

  1. Scale:
    - Violin: G major and D major: one-octave or two-octaves
    - Viola: C major and G major: one-octave and two-octaves
    - Cello: C major and G major: one-octave and two-octaves
  2. Play one piece of music of your choice
  3. Sight reading: reading material will be provided by the orchestra
  4. Minimal age to join the orchestra is 6 years old